Freeform Aesthetics, Soulful Energy

Are you prepared to set forth on a voyage brimming with creativity and boundless imagination? With a palette of vivid hues, daring forms, and detailed textures, every creation beckons you to submerge yourself in a realm of limitless imagination and profound self-expression.

There is an ‘I’ within me, deep, deeper than ‘I’

Using topographic contour lines and contour intervals to express the elevation of deep, deeper, deepest ‘I’ in everything I perceive, crafting a topographic map of an authentic self.

This collection represents a convergence of diverse themes,

each influenced by a tapestry of cultures.

Welcome to the mesmerizing realm of contemporary art. With the interplay of vibrant colors, striking forms, and intricate textures, every artwork extends an invitation to delve into a universe of boundless imagination and profound self-expression.

  • “In Design Thinking Wrong IS RIGHT.”

    – John Bielenberg

  • “Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun”

    – Albert Einstein

For inquiries regarding commissions,

please feel free to reach out and get in touch.